Connor and his minions hide here, beware:]
This beautiful image is by iTopaz





Great Dane

. Personality:

Opal is a shy, but loving canine. She will always be good to you, but will turn shy sometimes if she is embarrassed, excited, or too happy to speak! She is a very energetic dog too. She would always being out playing, if someone didn't stop her. Opal can be Arrogant, but most of the time she is just plain stubborn. If you tell her to do something that she doesn't want to do, she can be very mean and strictly tell you to your face "NO." But most of the time, she is a good dog.


☂ Warmth; Opal loves warmth, as well, you already know, it keeps her warm.
☂ Wet; Opal abouslutely adores being wet, it is so much fun in the lake just swimming around, and playing.
☂Treats; Opal loves getting treats from her owners, she mostly loves her Beggin' Strips, bacon flavor.
☂ Love; Opal is so thankful she is loved by her owners, it makes her feel special.


☂Cold; Opal abouslutely HATES being cold. It makes her feel gross and yucky.
☂ Dry; She hates being dry. It makes her feel itchy, and just not good.
☂ Canned Food; Opal hates Canned Food, it makes her mouth feel slimy.
☂Hate; Opal hates being hated. It makes her cry.


Ever since I was a pup, I was the center of attention. Always getting my way, which, was, well, awesome for me. I always got to get my food before everyone, and got treated like a princess.

But soon, that changed. Some angry pack members came into our den and accused my parents of murder, so we got banished from our pack.

My parents could barley manage to take care of all ten of us puppies, so they picked there favorites, and left the rest in our old den.

She picked my youngest brother, and older sister, and I.

We were always taught to be uptight, and have good manners. I tried my hardest, but with all my memories of the past, it was quite hard to do so.

One day, as the three of us pups woke up, our parents were gone. All we saw was the blood stained grass as we trembled in great fear.

As my sister and brother started to whine and cry, I bravely stood up, "We will get through this. I promise!"

Through many days and nights, and painful memories coming back to shoot us in the neck, we almost made it through, until Honey, my sister passed away.

My little brother thought it was how hard we were pushed to keep going, but I knew it was stress. I could just see her bloodshot eyes as we buried her, I remember her bawling for days. But now, all we have of Honey is memories, and some grass she laid on.

As we hurdled through the plains where we buried Honey, we heard the roar of a truck, and the screech of brakes. I pushed my ears back, stood my ground, and flared my teeth.

This is when my little brother got scared, and yelped, "SISSY! Dont hurt me, I didn't do anything wrong!

I quickly snapped out of my fierce mode for a second and said, "Dont worry, I wont. Im just standing my ground, for a predator. Come on, do it with me."

As we both flared our teeth and looks fierce, two black men ran out, wearing what looked like navy pants and a white tank top. They grabbed us and threw us into the back of a van. As we hit the floor of the van, my brother and I were both unconcious.

Soon, I woke up on the side of the road. Watching cars go by. My brother was not with me, that certainly got me worried, where was I, and where was he, was he dead, was I dead?

Only seconds after I started to think that, I heard a van whiz down the street and park next to me.

A younger lady jumped out, in what looked like a police officers uniform with a shirt that said

"Loving Paws Humane Society."

She grabbed me and looked me over. Soon, I was in a crate with a warm blanket.

She grabbed me, and opened my door, we walked inside a tall building, and walked in a room

A few months later, Opal is...

I yelped and barked at my two little children I always played with, they giggled and said, "Oh Opal, I love you!"

I loved these days, with these nice children. This was the life, the life I dreamed off. I finally got it.

Thats my story, and im proud to tell it.