Connor and his minions hide here, beware:]

Rosanne Jackie Huskookie


Cookie Dog

Cookie X Husky

Reason You Want It:
She is a very cute, creative animal, the kind I like. She kinda reminds me of a frosted cookie, and I LURF me a good frosted cookie. Her design isn't natural, but it does have a few natural dog colors in it so it is not TOO over the top. Shes unique, and has a good touch of pazazz to her. She will be treated nicely, and I will draw her a lot, trust me, she is fun to draw.

She seems like a very nice character, she'd be great in the roleplay ill be starting, and my books im writing.

What Will You Do With It:
She will be featured in my sketchbooks, character website, art program, and even art class.

I will roleplay her, and I will create her a anthro form too.

I will order lots and lots of art of her, as I haven't really been collecting pets, and i've been spending most of my good ones on art for my characters.

Her Ingredients [Of course! She is a cookie, isn't she?]
1 cup cocoa
3 cups of cuddles
1 teaspoon of milk chocolate
1 teaspoon of dark chocolate
1 teaspoon of white chocolate
2 teaspoon of peanut butter
1/4 of brown sugar
1/4 of sugar
1/2 of happiness
5 cups of LOVE
And some colored fondant for her markings.

Conservation Status:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivoria
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: C. lupus
Subspecies: C. l. familiaris and C. l. dingo

Full name: Rosanne Jackie Huskookie
Nickname: Rosey
Birthday: April 23rd
Where: The witchs house.
When: 2:32pm
Mother: NOONE
Father: NOONE

R- are
O - utstanding
S - pecial
A - mazing
N - ever forgetable
N - ot plain
E - trodinary

Rosanne loves pups, and any kind of baby. She is a very nice little dog, and it takes her quite a while to form a bond with someone, as her past has guided her that way. She is the kind of dog that will listen to your problems, and will take them to thought. If you get to know her, she has known to be the best friend you'll ever have. She loves solving mysteries, and helping people with they're problems.

Rosanne wasn't really born, she doesn't have a mother, or a father. She was MADE.

Now, that isn't too surprizing for you to hear, is it? Because, she is a cookie, after all.

But this part might suprize you. She wasn't made by a normal person. She was made by a witch.

Well, this certain witch was a very mean, nasty kind. She was hoping to create a cookie dog that would smell so divine it would lure people into her home, then she could capture them.

But, fortunately, she created the cutest, loveliest, dog, who DIDN'T have a smell.

So later that night, while the dog was sleeping, she tossed her into a garbage bag and through her into the street and she never saw the dog again.

So, well, you would be expecting a not so good ending, but no, it carrys on very well from right here.

The dog was picked up by a baker, noticing the garbage bag, and the duct tape on the top, he thought it was very unusual and something very exciting could be inside, so he brought it to the bakery with him.

The baker set it down on the table, and ordered for a employee to come open it.

Before I go on, im warning you, this isn't the kind of bakery your thinking of, or the kind the dog is thinking of. Its a Cookie Dog bakery.

Now I know, I know. What kind of idiot am I for baking it a "Cookie Dog Bakery." But, you'll see why I did it soon.

So, an employee opens the bag, and sees the horrified, whimpering pup huddled at the corner of the bag, she gasped and pull her out. She cuddled her and gave her kisses.

The dog was relieved to be out of the bag and with the people.

Now, there was a certain person who certainly fell in love with her at first sight, she was the one who named her, too.

"The beautiful.... Rosanne." She said when she named her.

The dog liked the woman too, but after awhile, the woman began to slowly and slowly forget about Rosanne, and this means Rosanne could flee. She watched her so many times unlock the cage door, and the front door, she could do it.

So, she did.

And she ran and ran and ran. Soon, she laid down under a shady tree and waited. Waited for something good to happen.

Then, she saw something running towards her, it was... was... why, another dog!

Now, this made Rosanne feel GREAT! But then again, completely terrified at the thought of "Is this a good or a bad dog?!"

Soon the dog reaches Rosanne, and she sits down. Rosanne asked "Who are you?"

The dog barked "Raven, who are you?"

Rosanne trembled and answered "Ro...Ro..Rosanne"

Raven replied "Thats a really pretty name? So, why are you here?"

Rosanne thought, "Well, thats a pretty long story... Ill try to explain it short. So, a very EVIL witch created me, didn't like me, threw me into the street, a baker picked me up, a nice woman opened me and fell in love, she played with me, then slowly forgot about me, then here I am now." Rosanne took a breath.

Raven said quietly "Whoa... Im.. Im so sorry."

Rosanne replied "Nah, dont have ta be. Im fine, and I will be even better if I find a place to stay."

Raven exclaimed. "Hey, Rosanne, I just had the most amazing idea! You can stay with me. I live just down the street in a little cave under the trees"

Rosanne said "Raven, you dont have to do that."

Raven said "But I like you, your nice, and I cant stand the thought of you living out here, in the cold, dark wilderness."

Rosanne laughed "Ok, Ok, Ok. Ill come with you."

Raven jumped up and down "Oh goody goody goody! Come on!" And ran down the street.

So, Rosanne is ever so thankful for her new best friend, Raven to have came along. They now do everything together, and and think of eachother as sisters.

It took me a long time, but it was REALLY fun!
Rosanne is too fun to draw.
^^Sorry for the wrong name on pictures^^

This peice of art was made by Metallic Dragon on Chicken Smoothie.
This peice of beautiful, marvelous, art was made by soy on Chicken Smoothie.
This adorable peice of artwork is by Corgi. of CS